Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Confirmation of Everything I've Ever Known

Adding space as an adjective really does just make it... y'know, MORE.

Somebody needs to finish his book already.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

For the Pseudo Ivy League Punters in the Audience

As Pete Townshend once said, "Sit down or stand up but shut up. It's a fucking rock and roll concert, not a tea party!"

So yes, my self important pretentious co-audience members who complained about everything before and during the Hold Steady's set tonight, shut up. Your sophisticated tweed jacket did nothing to cover up the personal failings of your shitty attitude.

But know this: I screamed a lot louder, jumped around a lot harder and sang way more often just to piss you off. And that, for me, made an already enjoyable evening that much sweeter. Because it's rock and roll, man, not book club.